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This is all about keeping something secret, something they do not want our residents to know: Councillor Mike Bose
Surrey, B.C. (March 17, 2025):  As a Surrey city councillor, Mike Bose is used to knowing the city's business. So, when he was told to file a Freedom of Information (FOI) request in order to get details about an American real estate and development advisory firm from Chicago, and the contracts it has with the city, he was more than shocked.
"Being told to file an FOI application is a real slap in the face," said Bose who was first elected to council in 2022. "City councillors need to know everything there is to know about our city and its business, and this ridiculous roadblock tells me I've hit a nerve, and someone doesn't want taxpayers to know what's going on between the City of Surrey and the Hunden Partners of Chicago."
Hunden has been engaged by the city to carry out stakeholder engagement for an arena, and long-term plans for the Cloverdale Fairgrounds.
Bose said he asked the city's finance department for details about the number and value of contracts with Hunden, but was told the information is not available publicly, and he should apply through Freedom of Information.
"Instead of getting the information I asked for, I was told I should file an FOI request, which completely floored me," said Bose. "City councillors are elected by Surrey voters, and access to information, all the information, is a vital part of what we need to do our jobs effectively. As part of our job, we hear and see confidential information every day."
Bose said he wanted to know more about the city's relationship with the American company, because he thinks Canadian companies should be working with the city, particularly now that the United States is targeting Canada economically.
"We have plenty of credible and talented firms in B.C. and Canada who can do this work going forward, and under today's reality City Hall should be buying locally whenever possible, something we are encouraging our own residents to do. Sending Surrey tax dollars to Chicago just isn't on, particularly now."
Councillor Linda Annis said every councillor is privy to sensitive and confidential information and asking a councillor to submit a FOI request makes absolutely no sense.
"I think Councillor Bose is right, something about this just doesn't sit right, and this bureaucratic roadblock to keep information from an elected councillor should concern every Surrey resident and taxpayer," added Annis. "I also agree that as a city we should be doing everything we can to buy locally."