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Modern seniors don't look or act like their grandparents, and we need to plan our city's future with that in mind: Councillor Linda Annis

Surrey, BC (Jan. 29, 2024): Surrey First Councillor Linda Annis says Surrey's age-friendly strategy being presented to council tonight needs to include an action plan that recognizes that today's seniors don't look or act like their grandparents.

"We have over 156,000 seniors in our city, which is about one in four residents," said Annis. "The staff report being presented to council tonight only goes part way, and as the report identifies, we need a modern action plan with real specifics if we are going to create the age-friendly Surrey we all want. This age group is a growing demographic, and today's Surrey seniors are healthier and more engaged and active than previous generations. So, let's build a plan that makes real and relevant changes that reflect who these new seniors really are in our community."

Annis said the next iteration of the age-friendly report should include plans to provide more covered outdoor spaces at city parks, improve transit as seniors give up their cars, develop more recreational activities for the growing number of active seniors, and provide more and different housing options as seniors downsize."

"Today, no one at 55 thinks they're old, and we have to make sure that when we design age-friendly programs and policies in our city that we're recognizing the reality of modern seniors," added Annis. "Today's seniors have no hesitation when it comes to speaking up, so let's be sure we're really listening."