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Another example of the petty politics that surround the transition: Councillor Linda Annis

Surrey, B.C. (January 11, 2024): Surrey First Councillor Linda Annis says the decision by Mayor Brenda Locke not to put new recruits to the Surrey Police Service on the payroll reinforces the “level of petty politics” surrounding her opposition to the police transition.

“The police union has offered to step up and pay these costs temporarily but that shouldn’t be necessary,” said Annis. “It’s absolutely ridiculous that the mayor continues to throw up roadblocks to the transition, wasting time and money. While she won’t pay for the new recruits, she has found $500,000 for her politically motivated anti-SPS public relations plan. I’m embarrassed as a councillor and as a resident of Surrey that the mayor has treated these new recruits this way. What a terrible welcome to our city.”